Canadian Consulting Engineer

Funding announced for 75 water projects in Saskatchewan

June 5, 2017

Combined federal, provincial and local funding of more than $94 million to support new sewage treatment lagoons, upgrading sewage pumps and more water works projects.

The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan have together announced funding for 75 new water and wastewater projects throughout Saskatchewan. The investment represents combined federal, provincial and local partner funding of more than $94 million for 74 Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) projects, and one project under the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects.

The funding will support initiatives such as building new sewage treatment lagoons, upgrading sewage pumps, and improving drinking water supply systems in communities across the province.

The Feds will contribute more than $45 million toward the 75 projects, while the province will provide nearly $25 million and local partners will cover the remaining costs.


Among the larger projects will be new wells and water supply pipeline in the city of Melville and area, with the federal government committing $6.87 million and province kicking in $3.44 million. And the new River Street water reservoir in Prince Albert will receive $6 million in federal funding and $3 million from the province.


Related article from the Regina Leader Post.


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