Canadian Consulting Engineer

2022 Engineers Canada Awards open for nominations

December 20, 2021

The deadline is less than a month away.

Engineers Canada logo

Engineers Canada is currently seeking nominees for its annual awards program. The deadline for nominations is Jan. 14, 2022.

Each year, the industry regulator’s awards program recognizes both engineers and students for their exceptional work in and important contributions to the engineering community. Specifically, the program includes the following honours:

  • Gold Medal Award: For exceptional individual achievement and distinction in a field of engineering.
  • Meritorious Service Award for Professional Service: For an outstanding contribution to the Canadian engineering profession through a professional, consulting or technical engineering association or society in Canada.
  • Meritorious Service Award for Community Service: For an exemplary voluntary contribution to community-based or humanitarian endeavours that demonstrate the commitment of engineers to improving their communities.
  • Medal for Distinction in Engineering Education: For an exemplary contribution to the education and development of engineering students and to engineering education in Canada.
  • Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession: For exceptional achievements in advancing the recruitment, retention and professional development of women in engineering.
  • Gold Medal Student Award: For outstanding leadership, contributions to society and volunteerism by an undergraduate engineering student.

Nominations in English or French may be submitted in multiple categories by nominees or their supporters, except those for the Meritorious Service Award for Professional Service, which is selected by Engineers Canada’s annual meeting of members.

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