Canadian Consulting Engineer

2024 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards open for entries

January 15, 2024

K3 Expansion – South Shaft Headframe

Photo courtesy Hatch.

Canadian Consulting Engineer and the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC-Canada) have officially launched the 2024 edition of the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.

Held annually since 1969, the awards are the most prestigious mark of recognition for consulting engineers in Canada. An independent jury selects winning projects that demonstrate the highest quality of engineering, imagination and innovation. The program is open to submissions from all ACEC-Canada member firms.

Out of the 20 projects that win Awards of Excellence in a variety of categories, up to five may also win Special Awards:

  • Engineering A Better Canada Award – Presented to the project that best showcases how engineering enhances the social, economic or cultural life of Canadians.
  • Breton Environmental Award – Presented to the project that best demonstrates outstanding environmental stewardship.
  • Outreach Award – Presented to the project that best demonstrates donation of a firm’s time and/or services for the benefit of a community or group.
  • Ambassador Award – Presented to the project constructed or executed outside Canada that best showcases Canadian engineering expertise.
  • Schreyer Award – The highest honour, presented to the best technical entry (last year’s winner pictured).

The submission process involves two stages. This year’s first deadline, for the notice of intention (NoI) to enter, is Mar. 21. The second, for the full entry form, project PDF file and photos, is Apr. 17.

Following the jury’s grading of all submissions in the summer, the winners will be publicly announced in the fall, both in the pages of Canadian Consulting Engineer’s September/October issue and at an ACEC-Canada event.

To enter—and for full details—visit


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