Canadian Consulting Engineer

50th Anniversary issue offers a fascinating glimpse into the past

July 13, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canadian Consulting Engineer's 50th Anniversary issue is now on-line. The issue includes a section of historical in...

Canadian Consulting Engineer’s 50th Anniversary issue is now on-line. The issue includes a section of historical interest to anyone — seasoned professionals and up-and-coming engineers — who would enjoy discovering how engineering for the construction industry has developed over the last half-century.

Essays by former editors and quotes from early issues show some striking similarities and contrasts with engineering issues in our own time, such as early predictions about the role of computers, and even an article describing the construction of the ill-fated World Trade Centre Towers.

There’s a timeline of important engineering events from the past century and before. Also featured are the results of our informal “Favourite Engineering Projects” competition.

Take a trip down this fascinating historical pathway by clicking on the “Digital Edition” at  This electronic version looks exactly like the print version, and you can leaf through it page by page.

Also invite your younger colleagues to view this landmark issue and to become regular subscribers.

Correction: on page 32 of the 50th Anniversary issue it is stated that the CN Tower won a Schreyer Award in the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards of 1977. In fact the tower won an Award of Excellence, since the Schreyer Awards weren’t begun until four years later.



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