Canadian Consulting Engineer

A blast for continuing education – quote

December 11, 2012
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

"The reality is that CPD [continuing professional development] programs are entirely unnecessary. I doubt that the Big Thinkers realize that all engineers learn new skills every day. They must because their customers and employers demand it,...

“The reality is that CPD [continuing professional development] programs are entirely unnecessary. I doubt that the Big Thinkers realize that all engineers learn new skills every day. They must because their customers and employers demand it, not because some engineering overlord forces them into a fake back-to-school program. …

“Where will this end? At 301 Wellington Street in Ottawa of course! I look forward to the day when an engineering association in Canada has to explain to the country’s nine Supreme Court judges why its arbitrary and ineffective CPD program, which turns engineers into quasi-slaves to its bureaucratic feel-good ambitions, is legal and just law and is consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Only then will all this nonsense come to an end.”

– Extract from a letter from Roger Toutant, P.Eng. of Ottawa published in Professional Engineers of Ontario’s Engineering Dimensions, July/August 2012.


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