Canadian Consulting Engineer

Accolades won, awards given, and other tidbits … (May 23, 2008)

May 23, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Kurt Strobele, president and chief executive officer of Hatch in Mississauga, Ontario was one of two people to rece...

Kurt Strobele, president and chief executive officer of Hatch in Mississauga, Ontario was one of two people to receive special honours at the University of McMaster Engineering faculty’s annual Applause and Accolades Awards Gala on May 13. Mr. Strobele won the L.W. Shemilt Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award.

Wardrop Engineering took the top spot at the first ever CanBuild competition to be held in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The winning project was constructed of food cans and water bottles in a sculpture entitled “Sleeping Giant,” inspired by the city’s rock formation and landmark that protects the harbour. The sculpture was made mostly of cans of coffee, which were donated for use at the Thunder Bay’s Shelter House. The competition was part of the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Annual Trade show and Business Expo.

UMA and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) announced the winners of their first annual Sustainable Asset Management student competition. The competition required students to prepare a 4,000-word research paper on civil infrastructure management topics such as performance models, policy analysis, information systems or social costs and benefits. Nine papers were submitted, and first prize went to Luanne Sirota of the University of Saskatchewan. Her paper was entitled “Risk-based Sidewalk Prioritization for Aiding Management Decisions.” Second place prize went to Wail Menesi and Alondra Chamorro of the University of Waterloo.
The winners received a cash prize and will have the opportunity to present their findings at the CSCE’s annual conference in Quebec City on June 13.

Robert Gravelle, P.Eng. of Cornwall, Ontario was inducted into the Professional Engineers of Ontario Order of Honour in early May for his service to the profession. Mr. Gravelle is vice-president of Lowe, Gravelle and Associates.


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