Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC-BC posts new web resource about benefits of QBS

December 22, 2015

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of BC (ACEC-BC) has launched a new website devoted to explaining the benefits of using Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) when hiring consulting engineers.

Qualifications Based Selection means that the project owner or proponent who is hiring a consulting engineering company takes into account the company’s experience and skills, i.e. its “qualifications,” rather than giving the contract to the firm based entirely on which one agrees to do the work for the lowest price.

The website features a 1-minute introductory video explaining the basic concept of the QBS process. The site also has guides and studies explaining QBS and overviews of the collective experience. There are templates and resource documents to help owners implement the process.

Keith Sashaw, President of ACEC-BC, said: “ACEC-BC is pleased to create a website that brings together QBS-related information in one convenient location. Even though QBS has been used in Ontario, Alberta and just recently legislated in Quebec, the Canadian experience is not well documented. ACEC-BC wants to fill this void and ensure procurement officials and consulting engineers have the tools, materials and knowledge to pursue QBS with confidence and success.”

The ACEC-BC press release points out that QBS-based projects have been found to have both lower construction costs and lower schedule growth.

The press release quotes ACEC-Canada president and chief executive officer John Gamble: “Engineering fees are a modest but critical investment in the success of a project. By using QBS, there is a significant return on your investment through better quality and life-cycle savings.”



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