Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC calls for long-term federal infrastructure plan

November 8, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Canada (ACEC) has called on the federal government to create a long-term infrastructure plan. The association says such a plan can be developed over the next three years and be implemented...

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC) has called on the federal government to create a long-term infrastructure plan. The association says such a plan can be developed over the next three years and be implemented when the current Building Canada Program expires in 2014.

John Gamble, president of ACEC, said on November 1: “The stimulus program of the past two years has been very helpful. However, it officially came to an end yesterday, and the nature and constant use of infrastructure dictates that a predictable long-term approach be applied to its funding and development. It will also give Canada the double bottom line of increased competitiveness and enhanced quality of life.”

ACEC also pointed out that many studies have found that investment in infrastructure in Canada has declined since the 1960s, “making the commitment to a long-term plan both necessary and timely.”


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