Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC Chair’s Award goes to Marcia Friesen

November 2, 2021

The award was announced during a virtual AGM last week.

Marcia Friesen

LinkedIn photo.

Marcia Friesen, P.Eng., is the recipient of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada’s (ACEC-Canada’s) 2021 Chair’s Award, in recognition of her leadership in advancing diversity and inclusion.

The award is presented each year by ACEC’s outgoing chair to an individual, individuals or organizations who has/have made an important difference to the consulting engineering industry. This year’s outgoing chair, Anthony Karakatsanis, P.Eng., announced the award during ACEC’s virtual annual general meeting (AGM) on Oct. 26.

“It is my distinct honour to recognize Marcia’s strong and thoughtful leadership in championing diversity and inclusion within the association, the industry and throughout the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) sector,” he said.

Friesen was invited to the join ACEC’s board of directors as a director-at-large in 2019. She holds a doctorate in biosystems engineering and is a professor and the first female appointed dean of the Price Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba. She currently serves on the national executive of Engineering Deans Canada (EDC) and is the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) chair in design engineering. She was previously president of the council of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.


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