Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC-Ontario selects next executive director

June 6, 2023

He has been with ORBA since 2017.

Andrew Hurd

LinkedIn photo.

The board of directors for the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC-Ontario) has selected Andrew Hurd as its next executive director.

Since 2017, Hurd has served as director of policy and stakeholder relations for the Ontario Road Builders Association (ORBA). His earlier experience includes more than 12 years with Ontario’s government in a variety of positions, including advisory roles for the ministries of education, transportation and Indigenous affairs and the office of the premier.

ACEC-Ontario knows Hurd as one of ORBA’s representatives within the Construction & Design Alliance of Ontario (CDAO). He has established relationships with many key public-sector infrastructure agencies, including Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario (IO).

When Hurd begins his role with ACEC-Ontario on July 24, he will help implement the board’s new strategic plan, which was approved earlier this year, and will engage with members, stakeholders, volunteers and allies. His predecessor, Bruce Matthews (who previously announced his retirement), will stay on on until that time to support a smooth transition.


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