Canadian Consulting Engineer

APEGA announces new president, executive and councillors

March 21, 2022

APEGA's AGM is scheduled for Apr. 22.

Lisa Doig

LinkedIn photo.

The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) has announced Lisa Doig, P.Eng., will become its 103rd president at its next annual general meeting (AGM) on Apr. 22.

Doig has extensive career experience spanning multiple industries, including petrochemical, upstream exploration and production, pipelines, electricity and downstream oil and gas. She has also helped companies commercialize clean technology.

As president, Doig will lead Edmonton-based APEGA’s executive committee of council, including president-elect Manon Plante, P.Eng, vice-president (VP) Tracey Stock, P.Eng., and current president Brian Pearse, P.Eng., who will transition to past-president at the AGM.

APEGA has re-elected councillors Walter Kozak, P.Eng., and Jason Vanderzwaag, P.Eng., and newly elected councillors Lorna Harron, P.Eng., Dean Mullin, P.Eng., and Wendy Shier, P.Geo. (Vanderzwaag will serve a one-year term to fill the vacancy caused by Stock becoming VP.)


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