Canadian Consulting Engineer

ASCE forges bond with aid workers

December 19, 2007
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has entered a formal agreement with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) ...

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has entered a formal agreement with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) in the U.S. The agreement will enable ASCE to help the non-profit aid organization “through the training and participation of civil and engineering students.”
Engineers Without Borders sends young engineers and student engineers to developing countries in order to help communities build sustainable infrastructure as well as to help the local people develop their own technical skills.
A press release from ASCE, David G. Mongan, P.E. said, “It’s a natural fit for our two organizations to work together to further each other’s vision and activities to enhance the welfare of humanity.”
The release also suggests that ASCE will be helping to make engineers aware of their social and environmental responsibilities: “In cooperation with Engineers Without Borders-USA, ASCE aims to assist civil engineers and civil engineering students in increasing their awareness and education on the social, economic, environmental and cultural impacts of engineering while fostering the spread of appropriate and sustainable technological solutions within the day-to-day practice of engineering.”


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