Canadian Consulting Engineer

ASHRAE holds free webinar on building energy performance; issues new BACnet standard

April 8, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers is holding a free webcast "Assessing Building Energy Performance — From Principles to Practice" on April 18. The session will also be archived on ASHRAE's...

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers is holding a free webcast “Assessing Building Energy Performance — From Principles to Practice” on April 18. The session will also be archived on ASHRAE’s website until May 3. It will cover both new and existing buildings Click here.–conferences/webcasts

ASHRAE has also issued a new standard for its data communication protocol that enables building equipment from different manufacturers to work together. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2012, BACnet – A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks is being published ahead of schedule due to the wide-reaching changes alarm functionality made by “addendum af” to Standard 135-2010. This edition of the standard also includes recently adopted changes for the lighting industry.

Addendum af contains 32 parts. Changes include:

• Removal of Annex C and Annex D

• Clarification of optionality of properties related to intrinsic event reporting; optionality of properties related to change of value reporting; priority array and relinquishdefault; segmentation related properties; virtual terminal related properties; time synchronization interval properties, backup and restore properties; active_COV_subscriptions property; slave proxy properties; restart related properties; log_deviceobjectproperty; clock aligning properties; and occupancy counting properties are allowed to be present

• Ensures that pulse_rate and limit_monitoring_interval are always together and that that event notifications are not ignored due to character set issues

• Adds the ability to configure event message text; event detection enable/disable property; dynamically suppress event detection; specify a different time delay for to-normal transitions; inhibit the evaluation of fault conditions; for some objects types to send only fault notifications; a notification forwarder object type; an alert enrollment object type

• Separates the detection of fault conditions from intrinsic reporting

• Makes the event reporting property descriptions consistent

• Identifies the property in each object that is monitored by intrinsic reporting

• Changes the description of the reliability property

• Improves fault detection in event enrollment objects and the specification of event reporting

• Reduces the requirements on notification-servers.

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