Canadian Consulting Engineer

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Canadian Consulting Engineer


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September 25, 2013
Alberta continues to rebuild roads after flooding

Companies & People

September 25, 2013
Power positions hold the strings in construction today

Companies & People

September 25, 2013
Company News Updates: SNC-Lavalin, exp, Stantec and GHD


September 25, 2013
Plumbing code could be revised to reflect low lead standards


September 17, 2013
Vancouver’s George Massey Tunnel – consulting engineers weigh in

Companies & People

September 17, 2013
Stantec launches new brand and community focus


September 17, 2013
Striking design wins competition at U of T Scarborough campus

Business & ProfessionalCompanies & People

September 17, 2013
Note to engineers: improving soft-skills is not a waste of time

BuildingsCompanies & People

September 17, 2013
Teleportation done on a microchip

Companies & People

September 17, 2013
People changes at CH2M HILL; CIMA+, DIALOG


September 10, 2013
“Fryscraper” in London highlights glare issues with glass buildings

Companies & People

September 10, 2013
Canadian engineering company helps uncover ancient city of Khymer Empire


September 10, 2013
Montreal has 24 bridges deemed in critical condition


September 10, 2013
RCMP has one of Canadian government’s greenest buildings


September 10, 2013
Stacked solar cells and 70,000 suns


September 10, 2013
TECHNICAL UPDATES: Energy Star benchmark launched in Canada; B.C. issues guidelines for dam safety reports


September 4, 2013
New underground transformer station in downtown Toronto designed to withstand floods


September 4, 2013
Japan uses ice wall to contain Fukushima damage

Water & Wastewater

September 4, 2013
Brown water upsets Winnipegers

Companies & People

September 4, 2013
Engineering degrees pay off best by far

Companies & People

September 4, 2013
COMPANY NEWS ROUND-UP: Hatch, SNC-Lavalin, Halsall


August 22, 2013
New Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton has unique design

Companies & People

August 22, 2013
Saskatchewan engineering salary survey finds two-thirds receive bonuses

Companies & People

August 22, 2013
NRC launches research for innovation in the construction industry

Companies & People

August 22, 2013
Company News Round-up: GHD, Entuitive, AMEC

Companies & People

August 22, 2013
MAILBOX: “Bundling” trend is just a symptom of larger problems

Companies & People

August 22, 2013
Advice for handling difficult conversations

Companies & People

August 21, 2013
SNC-Lavalin announces new head of Infrastructure