Canadian Consulting Engineer

B.C. association looks to needs of small firms

September 21, 2015

At the same time as many engineering firms are consolidating into large global conglomerates, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-British Columbia (ACEC-BC) is recognizing the needs of firms at the other end of the size spectrum.

The association has established a “Small Firms Council” following a unanimous decision of the board. Keith Sashaw, president of ACEC-BC, writes in its latest newsletter that the committee will be “a forum for small firm members to meet and discuss the particular concerns of small firm owners and their employees.” It will also provide a small firm perspective to other committees and to the Board of ACEC-BC.

The association believes that small firms can benefit from its advocacy work and from its professional development and networking activities.

The committee members will hold meetings and special events and write articles for ACEC-BC newsletters.

They will also develop resources to promote the capacity of small firms. And they will provide recommendations to the ACEC-BC board on how to attract and retain small firm members.



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