Canadian Consulting Engineer

B.C. makes it easier for small firms to get contracts

March 25, 2014
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The B.C. government has released 12 recommendations to help small businesses in the province compete for government contracts.

The B.C. government has released 12 recommendations to help small businesses in the province compete for government contracts.

The “Small Business – Doing Business With Government Project report” with recommendations was released on the anniversary of the province’s Small Business Accord, and follows community consultations.

The report says that the government should improve the BC Bid functions, and consider reducing and eliminating fees.

It also says that the government should implement a strategy to communicate existing and future contract possibilities. It should explore establishing a supplier management tool, streamline procurement processes and templates, and develop “centrally accessible plain language information and resources.”

The document also recommends encouraging the government’s larger suppliers to post and promote opportunities for small businesses.

While Industry Canada’ defines a small business as one that generates less than $5 million in revenue per year, in B.C. the definition is given as a firm with 50 or fewer employees.

At the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-BC, which has a total of 87 member firms, approximately 52 of those firms have fewer than 50 employees and stand to benefit from the B.C. small business policies.

The small business sector as a whole in B.C. provides nearly 55% of all private sector jobs and employs over a million people.


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