Canadian Consulting Engineer

BBA to design modular facility for Northstar Clean Technologies

November 2, 2021

The facility will recover liquid asphalt, aggregate and fibre from discarded shingles.

Northstar and BBA

Following a competitive request for proposals (RFP) bid process announced in August, Vancouver-based Northstar Clean Technologies has selected BBA to complete the detailed independent engineering design of a new modular facility, to be rolled out as part of Northstar’s expansion plan across Canada and the U.S.

BBA will deliver a modular design template for Northstar’s projected additional processing facilities to recover liquid asphalt, aggregate and fibre from discarded single-use asphalt shingles for use in new hot-mix asphalt, construction products and other industrial applications. The design will be based on the company’s proprietary Bitumen Extraction Separation Technology (BEST), which has completed commissioning runs at its Empower Facility in Delta, B.C.

“We can now move to increase the capacity, efficiency and reliability of our expansion facilities,” explains Northstar CEO Aidan Mills. “BBA’s high-level engineering staff will be an excellent asset for us on our rollout program.”

The design aims to scale and optimize the process with a simplified, turnkey operational facility for quick production. Further, BBA has committed to provide ongoing engineering optimization support at both the Empower Facility and at Northstar’s next processing facility.

“BBA is very excited about the opportunity to partner with Northstar on a project that will reduce environmental impacts and foster the development of a circular economy,” says Christophe Desage, executive director of BBA’s western operations. “Our team is committed to making a difference in improving industrial processes with green technology initiatives.”


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