Canadian Consulting Engineer

Binnie promotes transportation manager

October 18, 2021

She has been with the firm since 2018.

Amrita Banerjee

Photo courtesy Binnie.

Binnie recently promoted Amrita Banerjee, P.Eng., to division manager for major transportation projects.

Banerjee has more than 19 years’ experience providing oversight and technical leadership for small- to large-scale transportation projects, including stints with Associated Engineering (AE) and WSP. She joined Binnie in 2018 as a senior project manager in its highway design division, based in Burnaby, B.C.

Since joining the firm, Banerjee has worked with such projects as the Highway 1 Chase West Four Laning east of Kamloops and the Kicking Horse Canyon owner’s engineer assignment. She has worked closely with the B.C. ministry of transportation and infrastructure, Vancouver Airport Authority (VAA), City of Vancouver, BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA), BC Hydro and Port of Vancouver.

Banerjee is also a mentor, role model, contributor and supporter for women professionals through Binnie’s recently launched RISE initiative, sharing lessons with younger engineers. Externally, she is a member of Women in Infrastructure (WIN) and works with Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s (EGBC‘s) division for women in those fields.


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