Canadian Consulting Engineer

CaGBC and RAIC offer feedback on proposed NECB and NBC changes

April 15, 2020

Earlier this month, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) wrote a joint letter to Canada’s National Research Council (NRC) and federal ministers, offering feedback regarding proposed changes to the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) and the National Building Code (NBC).

In particular, CaGBC and RAIC suggest new code requirements should address not only energy efficiency, but also the carbon emissions associated with the construction and operation of buildings, to help meet federal government objectives.

To this end, they recommend adding operational greenhouse gas (GHG) metrics to the NECB and NBC to align with the objectives of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Further, they suggest the next code updates should include ‘embodied carbon’ reduction targets, using an approach that compares proposed buildings to baseline versions.

To read the full letter (PDF file), click here.


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