Canadian Consulting Engineer

Calgary wins international award for pedestrian strategy

September 14, 2017

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 2017 Transportation Planning Council Best Project Award recognizes Calgary's comprehensive approach to gathering stakeholders' input.

The City of Calgary’s pedestrian strategy Step Forward has been awarded the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 2017 Transportation Planning Council Best Project Award.

The international award recognizes Calgary’s pedestrian strategy for its comprehensive approach to gathering stakeholders’ input, and evaluating ideas against their ability to be implemented and their level of impact.

“We are thrilled to accept this award for Calgary’s pedestrian strategy, Step Forward,” says Dale Lynch, manager liveable streets, in a media release. “The strategy was built on the input shared by thousands of Calgarians. It acknowledges that Calgarians think it’s important to improve walking in the city. Not only is walking a transportation choice, it also helps people benefit from an active lifestyle and supports local communities.”

Approved in 2016, Calgary’s pedestrian strategy includes 49 actions to help make Calgary safer, more comfortable, and interesting for walking. Some of the actions identified are already underway, including:

  • Improving intersections with the installation of 50 new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons.
  • Building missing sidewalk and pathway connections near schools and transit stations.
  • Launch of the ActivateYYC microgrant program to help citizens to initiate 150 walkability projects in their communities.



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