Canadian Consulting Engineer

Can we levitate concrete trucks onto a building site?

October 18, 2016

Quote: “Finding other options to blocking public sidewalks and streets might be possible at some large scale sites, but it’s not at the “infill properties of the nature that I’m building….

“There is an alternative. We can employ 20 helicopters, and we can hold the heavy equipment over the site. Or I can develop some kind of magic and learn how to levitate concrete trucks and heavy machinery and equipment.”

— Condominium developer Brad Lamb, quoted in an article in Torstar’s Metro News, October 15, responding to Toronto Mayor John Tory’s warning that the city might ban developers’ requests to close traffic lanes, etc. in the downtown core.

The article also quoted Steve Deveaux, chairman of the Greater Toronto Area’s Building Industry and Land Development Association:  “‘We certainly sense and appreciate the frustration for what I’ll call a short-term by-product of building a great city.’ But, in most cases especially in the congested downtown core, ‘there are truly very few options to safely and efficiently get material and product to the job site.’

‘If there’s no protected area, how do you get thousands of pounds of concrete, construction material from the curb lane to the site, when the sidewalk is potentially crowded with pedestrians?’”

To read the article in Metro News, click here.



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