Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada invests in Port of Halifax infrastructure

June 4, 2019

The Port will add rail tracks within its existing footprint and acquire four new rail-mounted cranes to load and unload containers faster and more efficiently, and roadways will be upgraded to improve traffic flow.

The federal government has announced an investment of $47.5 million for two projects designed to increase capacity at the Port of Halifax.

The first project will increase storage capacity at the Port of Halifax by connecting the South End Container Terminal to the Fairview Cove Container Terminal by rail.

Among other improvements, the Port will add rail tracks within its existing footprint and acquire four new rail-mounted cranes to load and unload containers faster and more efficiently at both terminals. As a result of this project, there will be an increase in the transportation of goods by rail between the two terminals in downtown Halifax, and a reduction in traffic congestion.

The second project will upgrade the Windsor Street Exchange, the main access road to the Port of Halifax.

This work includes realigning the Bedford Highway, upgrading Lady Hammond Road and installing new traffic signals to improve traffic flow. These upgrades will reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and increase the reliability and efficiency of freight movements.

“As someone who has been involved with our city’s growth and economic development for a long time, I know the importance of the Port to the economy of Atlantic Canada. And as a city planner and Halifax resident, getting trucks off the downtown streets has long been a priority for me and for most Haligonians,” said Andy Fillmore, Member of Parliament for Halifax, in a media release.


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