Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada’s BIM organizations to work closer together

March 22, 2016

Two organizations that are spearheading Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Canada have decided to collaborate more closely.

On March 16, CanBIM and IBC/buildingSMART issued a joint press release to say that that two of their key committees will be working hand in hand. Their respective Owners and Education Committees will combine their efforts to address the most pressing issues. The organizations said: “This will result in a clear set of outcomes that both agencies can support and endorse in a variety of ways.”

The two organizations are also exploring the possibility of making joint presentations, such as at the CanBIM Regional Session in Halifax, Nova Scotia in June.

Both organizations aim to enhance the smooth adoption of building information modelling, which is a radically new way of designing buildings that incorporates both 3-D design with ancillary information about the building project.


Up to now, however, the two organizations have emphasized different roles on their web sites. CanBIM Council says it is “Canada’s business voice for the entire construction industry, education community an downers who work with BIM.” CanBIM holds conferences and provides learning opportunities.

IBC/buildingSMART Canada is run by the Institute for BIM in Canada as part of an international organization, buildingSMART International. The organization aims to establish open, international standards for BIM.

The joint press release about the collaboration said: “CanBIM and IBC/buildingSMART Canada believe this will strengthen and create a more robust BIM community in Canada.”


Allan Partridge, CanBIM’s president said: “This is a significant step towards unifying all the BIM agencies in Canada, that at their heart, really have the same goals and aspirations.” He added “We will also see a streamlining of the valuable volunteer effort that has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to the committee work at both CanBIM and buildingSMART Canada with much better outcomes.”


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