Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canadian War Museum among Globe Awards

April 19, 2006
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Among the winners of the Globe Awards for Environmental Excellence announced in Vancouver on April 3, the Corporate...

Among the winners of the Globe Awards for Environmental Excellence announced in Vancouver on April 3, the Corporate Award for Technology Innovations went to a Vancouver company that has a technology for dissolving petroleum contaminants in water and soils. Ivey International won the award for their Ivey-Sol, which can clean sites up in 18 months compared to the North American average of five years.
Another winning technology won the Industry Award for Export Performance. Advanced Glazings from Sydney, Nova Scotia won for their development of a window glazing called Solera. The glazing allows the full value of natural light to penetrate in a diffuse, glare-free manner while also providing high insulating value.
The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa won the award for Excellence in Urban Sustainability. The award recognized the museum’s commitment to green design in features such as the green roof, recycled materials, extensive use of daylight in corridors and energy efficiency and building systems (see Canadian Consulting Engineer’s August-September 2005 issue for full coverage of this building’s systems).
For full details, see


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