Canadian Consulting Engineer



Stories continue below


February 8, 2010
Canada promises UN that it will cut emissions


February 2, 2010
Earthquakes most deadly natural disaster worldwide

Energy Environmental

January 25, 2010
Ontario’s wind and solar power deal worth $7 billion

Buildings Environmental

January 1, 2010
ASHRAE Publishes Green Building Standard


January 1, 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emissions


December 21, 2009
Copenhagen summit reaches weak agreement

Buildings Environmental

December 16, 2009
ASHRAE pilots its own energy label for buildings

Buildings Environmental

December 16, 2009
LEED Green Up program meant to be affordable


December 16, 2009
Have your own Copenhagen Summit – Watch CCE’s video on Climate Disruption


December 7, 2009
Group tracks carbon credit trading and issues warning


December 7, 2009
U.N. is upbeat about Copenhagen negotiations

Buildings Companies & People Environmental

November 30, 2009
Third Industrial Revolution spins on energy and IT

Buildings Environmental

November 23, 2009
HVAC engineers – Watch for January 1


November 16, 2009
COMMENT: Is our planet in cooling mode?


November 16, 2009
Invasive species causing havoc, says U.N.

Environmental Industrial

November 16, 2009
Alberta carbon capture project gets funds

Buildings Companies & People Energy Environmental Transportation Water & Wastewater

November 4, 2009
Winners of 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards announced

Buildings Environmental

October 26, 2009
Engineers absent from green roof conference

Environmental Transportation

October 13, 2009
Ontario’s environmental commissioner backs closing a controversial landfill and warns public’s right to oppose projects must be safeguarded

Companies & People Environmental

October 5, 2009
Canadian Consulting Engineer website has free video download on Climate Change


August 25, 2009
First Nations meet to discuss energy savings


August 17, 2009
Wastewater treatment plants given notice on emissions