Canadian Consulting Engineer

CEBC changes its name

June 20, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia has agreed to changed its name to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - British Columbia. The motion was passed at a Special General Meeting held June 9 in Vancouver.

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia has agreed to changed its name to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – British Columbia. The motion was passed at a Special General Meeting held June 9 in Vancouver.

The change brings the B.C. association into line with the national association, which changed its name over a year ago to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC – Canada). New Brunswick and Manitoba are also known by the ACEC format, i.e. ACEC – New Brunswick, and ACEC – Manitoba.

The CEBC resolution allowed time for the association to develop a branding and communications strategy to roll out the name change before filing the new name officially.



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