Canadian Consulting Engineer

CEO introduces new strategic plan

June 4, 2020

CEO strategic plan

Image credit: CEO.

The board of directors for Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) has approved a new strategic plan for 2020 through 2023.

“Well before COVID-19 was in view, the board had been working on how to keep the association at the forefront of members’ interests and issues,” says board chair Christine Hill, director of water facilities for Cole Engineering Group. “Backed by research and diverse perspectives, this plan will ensure CEO’s leadership role in advocacy and the provision of valuable programs for member firms.”

The plan identifies three priority areas as its pillars:

  • Proactive advocacy to help shape public policy, legislation, procurement and contracting practices, both to raise the profile of the sector and to reflect members’ business interests.
  • Engaging the consulting engineering community to drive volunteerism and improve member retention.
  • Strengthening CEO’s identity and branding to more clearly differentiate it from other engineering industry associations.

To access the entire document as a PDF file, click here.


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