Canadian Consulting Engineer

Contract requirements by Infrastructure Canada eased for engineers

September 26, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Infrastructure Canada has modified its requirements for engineers and architects to sign off on projects.

Infrastructure Canada has modified its requirements for engineers and architects to sign off on projects.

Earlier this year there was concern among consulting engineers and architects across the country, as well as their insurers, about documents that Infrastructure Canada was asking them to sign related to scheduling and project completion. 

They were upset about the federal requirements to sign a “Statement of Construction Schedule,” and “Solemn Declaration of Substantial Completion,” which might have put them at the risk of being held responsible for construction delays and ensuing damages.

Infrastructure Canada has now recognized that the documents might have caused engineers and architects to be taking responsibility for something beyond their control. Jen Powroz, a spokesperson, told CCE in an e-mail that the Declaration of Substantial Completion might require architects and engineers “to provide assurance of completeness for project elements outside of their areas of responsibility.”.


Infrastructure Canada has offered the solution of splitting the declaration in two parts. According to Powroz: “To ensure proper due diligence, funding recipients can sign the Declaration of Substantial Completion regarding certain sections of the document, and engineers and architects will sign and submit the standard provincial/territorial certification document attesting to the completeness of the other elements listed in the declaration.”

As a government agency, Infrastructure Canada plays a key role in realizing infrastructure projects across Canada that are funded under Canada’s Economic Action Plan through programs such as the $4-billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund and the $1-billion Green Infrastructure Fund.


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