Canadian Consulting Engineer

Introba hires SVP and growth leader for Americas

June 4, 2024

Gary Hamilton

LinkedIn photo.

Introba, the international consulting engineering firm created in 2022 by combining Integral Group and Ross & Baruzzini, has hired Gary Hamilton, PE, as senior vice-president (SVP) and growth leader for the Americas.

Hamilton has more than 20 years’ experience in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. After earning his BSc in civil engineering, MSc in mechanical engineering and certificate in engineering management and project management, he worked for Hulley & Kirkwood, S3E Klingemann Engineers (now GPI) and SmithGroup. He joins Introba from WSP, where he served as an SVP and health-care practice leader.

“Gary’s extensive experience, vision and passion for driving meaningful change align perfectly with our goals and will expand our capabilities,” says Introba’s president, William Overturf III.

In his new role, Hamilton is tasked with leveraging Introba’s geographic reach (with 1,000-plus employees across Canda, the U.S., the U.K., Serbia and Australia), driving strategic growth initiatives, attracting and retaining top talent and optimizing performance. His immediate goals include increasing market awareness of the firm’s engineering expertise in sustainability, decarbonization and digital transformation.


“Introba not only discusses innovation, but actively demonstrates it with groundbreaking projects in the built environment,” says Hamilton. “The depth of our project portfolio shows our capacity for turning creative concepts into realities and meaningful change within the industry.”


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