Canadian Consulting Engineer

LAST CALL FOR ENTRIES – 2011 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards!

March 21, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The deadline for submitting a Notice of Intention to Enter the 2011 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards is next Tuesday, March 29.

The deadline for submitting a Notice of Intention to Enter the 2011 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards is next Tuesday, March 29.

This is the most important national awards for completed engineering projects in Canada. By submitting a project, you have an opportunity to place your firm among the top performers in the consulting engineering industry.

The awards are a joint program of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC/AFIC) and Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine. Now in their 43rd Year, they celebrate engineering innovation and the contributions of engineering to society.

Projects completed in the three years ending December 31, 2010 are eligible.  Firms entering must be members of ACEC.  Joint entries are allowed.


For Entry Forms & Guidelines, click here.

The judges will award (at their discretion) – up to 10 Awards of Excellence – the Schreyer Award for technical innovation – the Tree for Life/Un Arbre à Aimer Award for environmental stewardship

The awards are presented at a gala dinner in Ottawa on November 1 and promoted to the national media. Winners will be invited to participate in ACEC’s Parliament Hill Day where representatives of the association meet face to face with federal politicians and officials to discuss critical issues facing the consulting industry.

For more information, contact Bronwen Parsons, tel 416-510-5119,  e-mail


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