Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec companies buy Alberta environmental firms

July 25, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

In early July, SNC-Lavalin of Montreal acquired MDH Engineered Solutions, an engineering consultant and research firm based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

In early July, SNC-Lavalin of Montreal acquired MDH Engineered Solutions, an engineering consultant and research firm based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

MDH provides geo-environmental, geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental engineering services to clients in the mining, oil & gas, transportation, utility and government sectors. It has approximately 175 permanent employees in offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, and in Edmonton and Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Also in early July, GENIVAR acquired two environmental consulting companies, one in Alberta and the other in Quebec. It bought JMH Environmental Solutions, which operates within the energy sectors of Alberta and Saskatchewan, specializing in spill response and site reclamation.

Genivar also bought Quebec-city based Groupe OptiVert inc., which was founded in 1990 and specializes in forest management consulting services.


The two firms add a total of 35 permanent employees to Montreal-based Genivar.


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