Canadian Consulting Engineer

SNC-Lavalin thanks Libyans for helping its employees

March 7, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

On March 2 last week, SNC-Lavalin of Montreal issued the following Update on the Situation in Libya.

On March 2 last week, SNC-Lavalin of Montreal issued the following Update on the Situation in Libya.

“As many of you know, we have now evacuated all of our employees out of the country who wished to leave Libya. There is still a small percentage of them in transit who have not yet made it home to their respective countries (approximately 12 different nations) but they are officially on their way. We wish to thank all of those who made this difficult journey for their courage and patience, and thanks also to their families, friends and colleagues for their support and understanding. We know how difficult this period was for you all, and are glad that everyone made it out in perfect safety, despite trying conditions. We also wish to acknowledge the hundreds of men and women who have been working tirelessly for the last week and a half to ensure the safety of our people and the security of our projects under extremely difficult circumstances. A dedicated group of employees have offered their help, from many different offices around the company, in the effort to evacuate our people, and it is impossible to adequately thank them for all their incredible work. Your colleagues thank you, more than you can know, There are also certain employees who volunteered to stay behind in Libya to supervise our projects. We also express our gratitude to you for your immense help, and we hope that your hard work will soon pay off, that there will be peace in this country and that we can resume our work when the situation permits. Finally, for the people of Libya, we send you our sincerest thanks for all your help, for being our neighbours for so long, for keeping our food and water supplies replenished, and for helping our people out of the country, by whatever means. Every employee has a story to tell of Libyan kindness in the face of adversity. Your generosity of spirit inspires us all and we hope that you will soon have stability in this country to whose development of infrastructure we have been glad to contribute for the past 40 years. As to the next steps for our projects in this country, we are waiting to see how the sanctions and other initiatives currently underway may have an impact on our projects. We remain optimistic about the future since these projects are intended for the betterment of Libyan society as a whole, but we will await official rulings in this regard and then react accordingly.


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