Canadian Consulting Engineer

Telus invests in building automation technology

June 3, 2024

Telus Global Ventures

Logo courtesy Telus.

Canadian telco Telus has rebranded its strategic investment arm as ‘Telus Global Ventures’ and extended its reach with, among other initiatives, an investment in Kode Labs.

Based in Detroit, Mich., Kode Labs is an autonomous smart building startup. It has been touted as the “Salesforce of commercial building automation,” referring to the popular customer relationship management (CRM) software, and promises to aggregate all of a building’s data into a single operating system (OS).

Telus has now invested in more than 150 global companies that aim to transform their markets and are poised for significant growth, across 10 countries and five continents.

“We are on a mission to invest in the best companies globally and to make sure there is mutual value,” says Terry Doyle, managing partner in Telus Global Ventures. “Our portfolio companies gain more than an investor. They gain a collaborator known for turning concepts into market realities.”



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