Canadian Consulting Engineer

Three awards: three people

June 28, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

H.R. (Herb) Kuehne, P.Eng. is the new chair of the board for the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies 2011-2011. The announcement was made at the ACEC Annual Summit held in Montebello, Quebec.  

H.R. (Herb) Kuehne, P.Eng. is the new chair of the board for the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies 2011-2011. The announcement was made at the ACEC Annual Summit held in Montebello, Quebec.  

Kuehne is vice president of civil infrastructure for the Associated Engineering Group of Companies and is based in Edmonton. He has 30 years of experience in civil infrastructure, transportation, water supply, wastewater, as well as environmental and water resource engineering. The outgoing chair of ACEC is Wilfrid Morin of Teknika HBA of Montreal.

Also at the summit, Chris Newcomb was presented with the 2011 ACEC Chairman’s Award. Newcomb is the president and chief executive officer of McElhanney Consulting Services of Vancouver. He was given the award for his contributions to the ACEC Engineering Legacies student outreach program.

Jean-Philippe Moreau, ing. of BPR, Quebec was presented with the Allen D. Williams Scholarship award. The award is presented annual to a young professional employed by an ACEC member firm who demonstrates a commitment to the consulting engineering industry.



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