Canadian Consulting Engineer

What’s in a name — or, rather, a re-rename?

February 28, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia is asking its members for feedback on whether to change its name -- again.

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia is asking its members for feedback on whether to change its name — again.

In 2008, the CEBC members voted to harmonize their association’s name with the national association, which had recently renamed itself the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies.

Shortly thereafter, the national association – ACEC – changed its name again to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada.

As the latest CEBC newsletter explains: “This left CEBC in a unique position: our legal name is aligned with the name our national organization no longer adopts.”


To resolve the situation, in January the B.C. association issued a letter and three-page backgrounder to its voting members asking them to express their opinion on “the two most feasible” new options. These are:

(1)  reverting to the original name “Consulting Engineers of British Columbia”; or

(2)  adopting a new name that would align with the national associations name; “Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – British Columbia.”

Glenn Martin, executive director of CEBC, is inviting comments. See


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