Canadian Consulting Engineer

Who is most likely to sue you?

May 28, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Insurance company Encon has posted on its website statistics about claims for professional liability in the construction industry. The statistics are provided as part of its loss control program, in the hope that it will help engineers,...

Insurance company Encon has posted on its website statistics about claims for professional liability in the construction industry. The statistics are provided as part of its loss control program, in the hope that it will help engineers, architects and their clients mitigate loss “before it occurs.”

The “A&E Claims by Allegation” graph shows that 55% of claims are based on design errors. Inspection errors account for 8% of claims and supervision errors account for 5% of claims. Disputes over extras/change orders are 3%, and the remainder types are less than 2% each or fall under “Other.”

The “A&E Claims by Claimant” graph shows that 51% of claims come from owners in the private sector. Owners in the public sector account for 16%. Contractors account for 10% of claims.

To see the other areas of potential liability, click here.



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