Canadian Consulting Engineer

Competition decides designers of New Royal Alberta Museum

October 24, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

DIALOG + Lundholm, together with Ledcor, have been selected to design and build the $260-million new Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton's downtown.  Construction is to start in mid-2012.

DIALOG + Lundholm, together with Ledcor, have been selected to design and build the $260-million new Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton’s downtown.  Construction is to start in mid-2012.

The Ledcor/DIALOG + Lundholm team will be providing the structural, mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as the architecture and interior design for the building.

The commission was won in a competition with three other teams and involved an intense 48-day period to prepare design and fixed-price construction proposals. 

The new building will have double the space of the existing museum with expanded galleries and multi-purpose outdoor courtyards. There will also be a cafe, a theatre and large-scale video projections.

Donna Clare, architect and lead designer with DIALOG, said the design tries to incorporate what people felt were important about Alberta: “the sky, open space, parks and wilderness, and fishing and our communities.” DIALOG’s principal in charge, Doug McConnell, said “our design focuses on the creation of an enduring legacy and a place of pride for generations of Albertans.


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