Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting engineers among 50 Best Managed Companies

February 22, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The winners of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies were announced February 22 and consulting engineers Dessau of Laval, Quebec and Hatch of Mississauga, Ontario, were included. The list covers a wide array of industries. They are chosen from...

The winners of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies were announced February 22 and consulting engineers Dessau of Laval, Quebec and Hatch of Mississauga, Ontario, were included. The list covers a wide array of industries. They are chosen from companies that are Canadian-owned and have revenues over $10 million. 

Only firms that are qualifying for the first time appear on the “50 Best Managed Companies” list.

There is a second list of “Requalified” members, and a third of “Platinum Club” members that have maintained their Best Managed status for at least six consecutive years.  ADI Group, CIMA+, Golder Associates  and Trow Global are all members of the Platinum Club.

The Requalified members list for 2010 includes Associated Engineering, BBA Inc., Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Dillon Consulting, Klohn Crippen Berger, Omicron Canada, R.V. Anderson Associates, Rescan Environmental Services, and RWDI.

The program was launched in 1993 and is sponsored by Deloitte, CIBC, the National Post and Queen’s School of Business.

The announcement lists the qualities found in the best managed companies, which cover a wide range of industries. The qualities include seeing growth opportunities, driving innovation, using strategies for doing business in the U.S. and on other continents, building close relations with customers, planning for succession or transition, and adopting green strategies.

The qualified companies

In a press release, Deloitte’s John Hughes, the national leader of the program, said: “Clearly we’re not out of the woods yet, but one of the most impressive aspects of this year’s award recipients is the focus of management teams and employees on growth and investment.”

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