Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of Ontario contest: Pick your favourite project

March 4, 2019

In honour of National Engineering Month, CEO is giving Ontario engineering fans a behind-the-scenes look at all of the 35 project submissions entered to the 2019 Ontario Consulting Engineering Awards.

In honour of National Engineering Month (NEM), Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) is giving Ontario engineering fans a behind-the-scenes look at all of the 35 project submissions entered to the 2019 Ontario Consulting Engineering Awards (OCEA) and a chance to vote on their favourite photo/illustration.

The CEO | NEM People’s Picture Perfect Project (4P) Contest is designed to encourage participation from anyone in Ontario (19 and older) with an interest in engineering, and just by voting entrants will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of two prizes:

  1. Raptors’ tickets – this first draw will take place on March 15, 2019 to select the winner of a pair of tickets to Nothin’ but NEM: Engineering Night with the Toronto Raptors on March 26, 2019. This prize also includes entrance to a Pre-Game Party at Real Sports Bar & Grill, Maple Leaf Square.
  2. Admission to the OCEA Gala (April 26) – draw will take place on March 31, 2019

Complete details and entry directions can be found on the CEO website:


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