Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of Ontario and municipal engineers work out new standard agreement

March 22, 2016

Gives the province's 444 municipalities a template agreement that covers a wide range of aspects involved in the work consulting engineers do for them.

Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) has finalized an agreement with the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) for a “Standard Client/Engineer Agreement for Professional Consulting Services.”

The two organizations collaborated to update the existing 2006 agreement. In a statement, CEO said the new version: “aims at helping Ontario’s 444 municipalities practice a fair procurement process by outlining equitable, consistent terms and conditions for both clients and consulting engineers.”

The 18-page document covers a wide range of areas. It lays the groundwork for everything from fees and disbursements, to handling of drawings and documents, delays and dispute resolution, insurance and indemnification, the allowed mark-up for subconsultants (maximum 5%), and much more.

Reg Russwurm, P.Eng, president of the Municipal Engineers Association, said: “This standard agreement will enable municipalities to be more efficient in doing business with consulting engineers. The template will allow smaller municipalities particularly to save on the significant time and cost spent on creating a contract.”

Geoff Pound, P.Eng, chair of CEO’s Municipal Engineers Association Liaison Committee, said:  “It has been a lengthy, complex process but also a very rewarding one. The revised standard agreement is now in line with current municipal engineering business practices. This will be a benefit to both municipalities and the consulting engineering industry.”

“The standard agreement is built on the principles of partnership and fairness. It symbolizes a collaborative approach to creating a favourable business environment for both clients and consulting engineers,” said Barry Steinberg, P.Eng, chief executive officer of Consulting Engineers of Ontario.

The agreement can be downloaded from the CEO and MEA websites.  Or click here.


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