Canadian Consulting Engineer

Correction: problem girders on Herb Grey Parkway

October 16, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

In the lead story in last week's CCE E-Newsletter, "Hundreds of girders cause problems on $1.4-billion P3 Windsor parkway," the introductory sentence incorrectly identified the girders as "steel."

In the lead story in last week’s CCE E-Newsletter, “Hundreds of girders cause problems on $1.4-billion P3 Windsor parkway,” the introductory sentence incorrectly identified the girders as “steel.”

In fact the non-standard girders on the Rt. Hon. Herb Grey Parkway are concrete, with steel reinforcing. The provincial government’s expert panel identified problems with the tack welds in the reinforcing as well as other areas.

We apologize for the error.

To read the original article (corrected) on Canadian Consulting Engineer’s website, click here.


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