Canadian Consulting Engineer

CSA Group launches public policy centre

September 27, 2022

The centre will regularly publish policy briefs.

CSA public policy

Image courtesy CSA Group.

As the House of Commons resumed session in Ottawa earlier this month, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group launched a new public policy centre to provide recommendations to Canadian government leaders.

The CSA Public Policy Centre comprises a team of experts seeking to bring a non-partisan, data-driven approach to policy issues. As part of the launch, the team released its first report, ‘Navigating Complexity,’ providing an overview of the Canadian public policy landscape, identifying the most pressing issues facing policymakers and offering solutions to drive a more open, evidence-based and dynamic policymaking process.

“The recommendations will help support all levels of government develop lasting solutions,” says Sunil Johal, CSA’s vice-president (VP) of public policy.

As the team continues its work, it will explore areas that require long-term, evidence-based and unbiased perspective, with a focus on four priority areas: inclusive economic growth; environmental sustainability; public-sector innovation; and the well-being of Canadians.

The publication of regular, concise policy briefs will begin this fall, exploring such topics as the circular economy, electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, housing affordability, digital technologies and remote work.


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