Canadian Consulting Engineer

Curbs in line for construction, mining and forestry engine emissions

May 12, 2004
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada's Minister of the Environment is tightening rules to reduce emissions from construction machinery. The Hono...

Canada’s Minister of the Environment is tightening rules to reduce emissions from construction machinery. The Honourable David Anderson announced draft regulations on May 10 to cover diesel engines used in construction as well as mining, farming and forestry.

Such engines contribute heavily to smog and acid-rain pollution. In 2000, their emissions of nitrous oxides and volatile organic compounds contributed about 13% of the total nitrous oxides emissions in Canada. The emissions matched those produced by about 480,000 heavy duty diesel trucks and buses.

The proposed regulations, which are up for a 60-day public comment period, will reduce the maximum allowable emissions of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and carbon monoxide for the machines by up to 70%. They will bring Canada into line with the U.S.



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