Canadian Consulting Engineer

Deadline approaching … DEADLINE APPROACHING!

March 16, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

March 31 is the Stage 1 deadline for entering the 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards!

March 31 is the Stage 1 deadline for entering the 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards!

Projects of all types completed between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2008 are eligible.  For the second year a new “Tree of Life/Un Arbre a Aimer” Award will be selected from the entries for a project that shows outstanding environmental responsibility. The Schreyer Award will again go to the most innovative engineering project from a technical point of view. There will also be up to 10 Awards of Excellence.

Now in their 41st Year, these awards are the most important recognition given to Canadian engineering firms.  They are co-sponsored by the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies (ACEC) and Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine.

Stage 1 deadline is Tuesday, March 31 (Notice of Intention to Enter form and $225 fee is due).

Stage 2 deadline is Tuesday, May 5 (Official Entry Form signed by client/owner, and Project Entry due.

Entry forms and more details (in English and French) about the criteria are available at

<a href=””>2009 Awards Forms & Information</a>

Contact Bronwen Parsons, Editor, Canadian Consulting Engineer, tel. 416-510-5119, e-mail bparsons@ccemag.


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