Canadian Consulting Engineer

Diversity becomes procurement policy for Toronto Games

March 7, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Any company bidding on or involved in a project for the 2015 Pan/Parapan Games in Toronto will have to demonstrate that they are involving or supporting diverse multicultural groups.

Any company bidding on or involved in a project for the 2015 Pan/Parapan Games in Toronto will have to demonstrate that they are involving or supporting diverse multicultural groups.

According to TW2015, the Games’ organizing committee, this “historic” step will introduce the first-ever diversity policy developed for a Pan/Parapan American competition.

The games are: “to create a platform for segments of the population that have typically been under-represented in projects of this magnitude,” said the TO2015 organization in a press release.

Ian Troop, chief executive officer of the TO2015 organization, said: “All of our procedures and decision-making criteria will embrace diversity — from how we purchase goods and services, to how we hire employees and recruit volunteers. Currently, said the press release, “one-third of the TO2015 staff is comprised of visible minorities and more than 65% of executive level staff is female.”

Already TO2015 has construction projects in various stages of procurement: they include an Aquatic Centre, a velodrome in Hamilton, an athletic stadium at York University, and an athletes’ village in Toronto.

According to a March 2 press release: “Applicants responding to RFQs and/or RFPs will be requested to identify or provide evidence as to how they plan to involve and support diverse community businesses to increase the supplier pool and improve their ability to deliver on time and on budget. Through the procurement process, applicants will also be encouraged to be innovative and creative and demonstrate their willingness to include diversity candidate groups on their teams. Successful proponents will also be expected to provide regular reporting of such initiatives during the construction phase.”

The Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games Organizing Committee (TO2015) is supported by the city of Toronto, 16 municipalities in the Golden Horseshoe and the governments of Canada and Ontario.


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