Canadian Consulting Engineer

Electric buses with no overhead wires

February 25, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Transportation engineers could be asked to design a new type of transit infrastructure for buses in the near future.

Transportation engineers could be asked to design a new type of transit infrastructure for buses in the near future.

Bombardier is testing electrically driven buses that can be recharged wirelessly on the road by underground induction stations. The charging stations would be located along the routes at stops where passengers get on and off.

With such systems, cities that want to use electric buses would not have to install overhead wires.

The company is testing the technology’s suitability for Canada’s harsh winter conditions on the site of Expo 67 in Montreal in partnership with Hydro-Quebec.

Meanwhile in Germany, a 12 month trial is beginning next year.

The buses are outfitted with special batteries that allow them to be recharged.

The Primove technology has been developed for about five years.


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