Canadian Consulting Engineer

EllisDon selected as Preferred Proponent for Ottawa treatment centre

August 16, 2023
By Peter Saunders

The new treatment centre will merge seven care locations, currently leased and spread across Ottawa, into one purpose-built site.

The Infrastructure Healthcare division of construction services company EllisDon has been selected as the preferred proponent to design, build, and finance the 1Door4Care: CHEO Integrated Treatment Centre in Ottawa.

The new treatment centre will merge seven care locations, currently leased and spread across Ottawa, into a single, state-of-the-art, purpose-built site on CHEO’s main Smyth Road campus.

The new site will include multi-use clinic space, a physiotherapy rehab gym, expanded mental health clinics, modern treatment rooms, advanced technology to enable virtual care, a physical link to the main building on campus, family support spaces, a new parking structure, and more.

The EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare (EDIH) team includes:

  • Applicant Lead: EllisDon Corporation
  • Design Team: Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc., Vertechs Design Inc., WalterFedy, Mulvey & Banani International Inc., H. H. Angus and Associates Limited, Entuitive Corporation
  • Construction Team: EllisDon Corporation
  • Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.

The project is expected to reach financial close in the coming weeks, which will mean that relevant contracts have been signed and a financing rate has been set.

The contract cost will be announced publicly following financial close, and construction is scheduled to begin shortly thereafter.


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