Canadian Consulting Engineer

Elora agricultural research centre opens

June 16, 2015

Livestock Research and Innovation Centre Dairy Facility, Elora, Ontario.  The facility opened in June 2015. Photo: OMAFRA.

Livestock Research and Innovation Centre Dairy Facility, Elora, Ontario. The facility opened in June 2015.
Photo: OMAFRA.

The Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario, the University of Guelph, and the Dairy Farmers of Ontario have together developed a new facility that recently opened in southwest Ontario.

The Elora Livestock Research and Innovation Centre Dairy Facility is used for housing 600 cows, with research and training facilities to explore different technologies for milking, ventilation, and dairy cow behaviour.

The design team included Baird Sampson Neuert Architects, Agviro, Les Consultants Yves Choiniere, and DGH Engineering.

The province provided $20 million for the $25-million centre.


The research will focus on

– enhancing livestock health through advanced technologies

– improving the quality of milk and meat through genetics and nutrition research

– supporting best practices in livestock management, operational efficiencies, and innovative technologies.


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