Canadian Consulting Engineer

Awards won: Terrain, Jacques Whitford, ADI

March 7, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Terrain Group of Dartmouth has been awarded the Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor's Award for Excellence in Engineeri...

Terrain Group of Dartmouth has been awarded the Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for Excellence in Engineering. The company won for their design of the Cookville Membrane Bioreactor Wastewater Treatment Plant. The hamlet of Cookville just outside Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, is the site of one of the fastest growing commercial developments in Atlantic Canada. The area had no sewage system and there were concerns about the effluent’s the nearby LeHave River. The solution was the new membrane treatment plant, which provides the highest level of treated effluent in Atlantic Canada.

A combined sewer overflow building has won the 2008 Green Building Award in the B.C. Wood Design category from the Canadian Wood Council. Eric Pattison Architect won the award for the New Westminster’s Combined sewer Overflow Operations Building. Associated Engineering were the prime consultant for the facility, which is located on the north bank of the Fraser River. The one-storey, 250-sq. metre structure is on a vacant sawmill site just west of New Westminster’s downtown. It is part of a public park and has public washrooms and a covered plaza for educational displays.

Dr. Arun Valsangkar, a senior principal at Jacques Whitford, was honoured with the John B. Stirling Medal at the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Gala in Ottawa March 1. The medal was first awarded in 1988 and is given annually. Dr. Valsangkar, P.Eng. is a specialist in soil structure interaction and centrifuge modelling. He is a professor of engineering at the University of New Brunswick and has over 35 years of combined teaching, research and consulting experience.

ADI Group has been named one of Canada’s “50 Best Managed Companies.” This is the second time the company has won the award, which is sponsored by Deloitte, CIBC and Queen’s School of Business. Based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, ADI is now the oldest and largest New Brunswick-based architecture and engineering firm, noted Hollis Cole, P.Eng., the company’s CEO. The company has projects in 40 countries around the world, Cole noted at their celebration of the award at the end of February.



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