Canadian Consulting Engineer

Bidding process set to begin for Montreal superhospitals

April 12, 2006
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Two superhospitals planned for Montreal are already estimated to be $900 million over budget, and they haven't even...

Two superhospitals planned for Montreal are already estimated to be $900 million over budget, and they haven’t even started construction yet.
In July 2004, the Quebec government approved a $1.1 billion new hospital for the McGill University Health Centre and another $1.1 billion for the Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite de Montreal.
Now, the government’s “best guess” is that they will together cost $3.1 billion. Health Minister Philippe Couillard gave the new estimate at a press conference in early April.
The projects are to be done as public private partnerships, with bidding set to begin in May.


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